Monday, 5 March 2012

Good news for Human Rights

Canada is very active on the diplomatic front and a key contributor to international efforts to ensure full implementation of peace and human rights.
Diplomats have taken every possible opportunity to raise the issues of humanitarian crises and human rights in Syria. The good news today is that Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced that Canada has closed its embassy in Syria because of the continuing violence there.
"International consensus is that this regime has lost all legitimacy and the only course of action is for Assad to leave and leave now," Baird said in Ottawa, referring to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He also announced further sanctions that will be taken against Syria.I think with world pressure at a peak in the boiling crisis, the Syrian regime will be forced to change.

Read more here


  1. You raise an interesting point regarding external pressure and the Syrian crisis. Could some not look at Canada's exit from Syria as a flee from the hostile environment, leaving it to it's own devices?

  2. I know some will say that's a flee from hostile environment but diplomacy doesn't mean sacrifice!In crisis situation, especially when there's no "hope" for change like in Syria, it is normal that diplomatic personnel leave for their own security. Humanitarian organizations will be there to help civilians.
